Domain Name System

DNS is the world largest distributed database system. It is the component of the Internet which converts human-readable domain names (e.g. into computer-readable IP addresses (e.g.

The main purpose of Naming is names are easier to remember than numbers. You won't be able to remember each and every website IP addresses in day to day life while you can easily remember the domain names. The second purpose is, from ancient time, addresses are used to locate objects. It means that when you browse your domain, it direct where to look for your domain info.

There are following three components on which DNS is built on:

1. A “name space” : The naming system on which DNS is based is a hierarchical and logical tree structure called the domain name space.

2. Servers making that name space available : Nameservers answer ‘DNS’ queries. 

3. Resolvers which query the servers about the name space : Resolvers ask the questions to the DNS system on behalf of the application. e.g : host, nslookup, dig, whois, ping

If we talk about benefits of DNS, there are lot, some are:

It makes the Internet human friendly for us all

Its mapping between names and IP addresses

Its the international model perfectly etc.

Smart move with your DNS:

Multiple authoritative nameservers to distribute load and risk: Put your nameservers apart from each other so that if one nameserver goes down, your website resolve through another nameservers.

Caches to reduce load to authoritative servers and reduce response times.

SOA timers and TTL need to be tuned to needs of zone. Always remember, higher numbers in the zone file will lead stable data.

So far, you've read about some important DNS preview. I will come up with more information about DNS in my next blogs. 


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