How to delete spam emails from MailEnable queue in Windows

There are 2 approaches...

1) If you can identify a unique string in the CONTROL file:

... control files are in C:\Program Files\Mail Enable\Queues\SMTP\Outgoing

Then CD to C:\Program Files\Mail Enable\Queues\SMTP\Outgoing
and run:

> for /f "tokens=1 delims=:" %I in ('findstr SOMEstring *MAI') do @del messages\%I

>for /f "tokens=1 delims=:" %I in ('findstr SOMEstring *MAI') do @del %I

This deletes MESSAGE files first, based on entries found in CONTROL files.

2) If you can identify a unique string in the MESSAGE file:

... message files are in C:\Program Files\Mail Enable\Queues\SMTP\Outgoing\Messages

Then CD to C:\Program Files\Mail Enable\Queues\SMTP\Outgoing\Messages
and run:

> for /f "tokens=1 delims=:" %I in ('findstr SOMEstring *MAI') do @del ..\%I

> for /f "tokens=1 delims=:" %I in ('findstr SOMEstring *MAI') do @del %I

Thank you.


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