Limit maximum number of emails per user

You can limit maximum number of emails that can send by a web site in cpanel. This is useful when some of your users send large number of mails. Here, we will limit number of emails send by a domain name.

1. Login to server as root using SSH utility.

2. Go to the directory '/var/cpanel/users' using the 'cd' command as follows:

root@server[~]# cd /var/cpanel/users

3. Open the file 'username' and edit "MAX_EMAIL_PER_HOUR" and "" as per your need:

root@server[/var/cpanel/users]# vi username


4. Save and quit the file.

5. Now we need to run the following command to update our changing:

root@server[~]# /scripts/update_email_limits username

Done. :)


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