Database error: connection failed in roundcube


Make sure the MySQL password of Roundcube is correct as follows:

root@server[~]$ grep db_dsnw /usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/roundcube/config/
$rcmail_config['db_dsnw'] = 'mysql://roundcube:xyz@localhost/roundcube';

The password in this case is set in the config as: "xyz". See if the hash matches what is set for the user:

root@server[~]$ mysql

mysql> use mysql;

mysql> select PASSWORD('xyz');

mysql> select * from user where User = 'roundcube';

mysql> update user set Password = PASSWORD('xyz') where User = 'roundcube';

If the above did not fix it, try to update. Update RoundCube.

root@server[~]$ mysqldump roundcube > /path/to/backup.sql

root@server[~]$ /usr/local/cpanel/bin/update-roundcube --force

root@server[~]$ mysql roundcube < /path/to/backup.sql

The issue should be fixed now. :-)

Thank you.


  1. None of above didn't worked atm. Probably on older versions would do the trick but not on 11.44.1 (build 18)


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