nameserver failed on VPS

Issue: Sometimes you get frequent emails from your VPS server regarding nameservers fail :

nameserver failed @ Sat May 24 01:34:46 2011. A restart was attempted automagically.
Service Check Method: [check command]
Cmd Service Check Raw Output: Fixed ownership on /etc/named.conf
Fixed ownership on /etc/rndc.key
Fixed ownership on /etc/rndc.conf
named is not running

If you start named service, it still show the same message


Recent versions of Bind distributed by RedHat and CentOS enable strict zone checking at startup time. This setting can potentially cause problems for Bind service, I have fixed this by adding in /usr/lib64 >> the following symlinks :

ln -s
ln -s

On the previous version of Bind, these little mistakes in the zone files were ignored, latest version - not so much. Zone files updated/fixed and everything works fine.


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