Move Tmp To Ramfs/Tmpfs

This article will show you how to create a ramfs/tmpfs partition and how to change the tmpdir variable to quicken copy to tmp queries. Keep in mind this only speeds up the IO portion of maintaining multiple indexed result sets due to query structure, the best performance increase would be gained from query analysis.

ramfs vs tmpfs

RamFS will use up all of your memory regardless of the size you set and it also never uses swap. TmpFS will use up only what you have assigned to it and it will use swap for idle ram.
Typically you will want to use tmpfs, but its important to know the differences.

Creating a ram partition

You need to create a new mount to go about doing this.

The below will create a 100mb tmpfs ( ram based ) partition and mount it.

# mkdir /tmpfs

# mount -t tmpfs -o size=100m tmpfs /tmpfs/

Thank you.


  1. Thanks for the post. Here you can fined speed testing and compare if needed for ram,tmp and ordinary fs


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