XML Parsing Error

Sometimes you get the following error message on your website:

XML Parsing Error: not well-formed

Location: http://yourdomain.com/
Line Number 17, Column 24:
<img src="img/img.gif"alt=""/>

"XML Parsing Error" usually occurs when something is trying to read the XML, not when it is being generated. Also, "not well-formed" usually refers to errors in the structure of the document, such as a missing end-tag, not the characters it contains.

Also, the error occur due to using of Unicode Character ”(RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK) instead of " (Unicode Character 'QUOTATION MARK) in your codes.

Sometimes, this error comes due to the plugin which is used for the RSS feed or the code issue related to RSS feed. Your feed is not well formed according to the XML specification. All feeds must be well-formed XML.

 There are several basic approaches to solving this: escaping problematic characters (< becomes &lt;, & becomes &amp;, etc.), escaping entire blocks of text with CDATA sections, or putting an encoding declaration at the start of the feed.
Another common error is the inclusion of whitespace characters (spaces, tabs, newlines) before the XML Declaration. If an XML Declaration is included, it must be the first thing in the document

Thank you.


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