How to enable the ping command in your windows server

Generally ICMP and Ping is useful for quickly checking if machines are up/down. The firewall of Windows 2008 closes ICMP replies by default.
You can enable the ping command with following steps:

1) Go to Start

2) Open a command prompt

3) Type in the following: netsh firewall set icmpsetting 8 enable

Test it out, the server should be pingable now!

To disable it again, you give in this command: netsh firewall set icmpsetting 8 disable


You can enable ping in windows server 2008 by the following method also:

Go to Start >> Administrative Tools >> Windows Firewall with Advanced Security >> Scroll down to "File And Print Sharing (Echo Request - ICMPv4-IN)" (or v6 if you are using ipv6) >> Enable this rule.

Done :)


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