Error: iptables v1.3.5: can’t initialize iptables table `nat’: Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?)
Sometimes you get the following error while configuring “Port forwarding” rules” in a VPS: ~~~~~~~ Error: iptables v1.3.5: can’t initialize iptables table `nat’: Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?) ~~~~~~~ Fix: You need to run the following command to fix the issue: ~~~~~~~ vzctl set <VPS_ID> –-iptables “iptable_nat iptable_filter iptable_mangle ip_conntrack ipt_conntrack ipt_REDIRECT ipt_REJECT ipt_multiport ipt_helper ipt_LOG ipt_state” –-save ~~~~~~~ P.S:- Replace <VPS_ID> to your actual VPS id. The issue should be fixed now. :)